Elsasser’s Beim One One One
For the past 12 years Elsasser's owner, Christopher Bischoff has been travelling Europe learning about cuisine and dining culture in other lands.
He is a veteran of the restaurant industry...having begun his food hospitality career at McDonald's 34 years ago. He has worked through diners, bars, bistros, cabaret houses, and Michelin restaurants...in NYC, LA, and Europe, to finally land at his own restaurant, where he can mobilize his Country German and French food and wine concept. He is by trade a Sommelier...and hospitality is at the very heart of Elsasser's energy and focus.
His mother's maiden name was Elsasser (meaning "from Alsace") ...and being a Bischoff himself, he decided to use HER name instead of his to usefully combine the two often tussling food and wine heritages.
He can be found tending to his wines at his small farm, playing the trumpet or acting in plays in local theater...and most importantly, behind the bar, on the floor, or in the kitchen in Elsasser's, ready to greet you.
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